Dust variations I
sound performance
concept/live electronics Giulia Vismara
performer Laura Ulisse
impulsi transitori

supported by:
Italian Council
Sound/Image Research group - University of Greenwich
Fondazione Nono
Tempo Reale

Fragment&Recompose speculates on the spatiotemporal dimension of ruins by collapsing the boundaries between present, past and future.
Abandonment architectures provide an opportunity to explore how non-human life appropriates what remains. Fragment&Recompose reassembles sounds that have been found in situ to to (re)story the ruins.
with the support of:

2020, 5th order ambisonics + other formats
12/12/20 Premiered at InSOnic Syntheses, ZKM
Dust Variations I is the first composition of a 3D sound series that aims to explore the complexity of spatiotemporal experience through the spatial behaviour of interstellar dust.
with the support of:

2021, soundwalk, binaural
21&2223/05/21 Walterwerkplatts, Brussels
Confluences is a project initiated by Giulia Vismara and Franziska Windisch, with the aims to pursue a hands-on research on sound in urban space and to enter into a dialogue through different media (sonic, linguistic, visual) in order to look for new correspondences between sound, space and bodies.
with the support of: