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15 October Concert Augmenté | SAT - Montréal
Akousma, Mezzo Forte and Istituto Italiano di Cultura à Montréal


Wondering for resonances:

28 December Carte Blanche Tempo Reale, Firenze

6-7 December Installation, Undercroft Greenwich London

Tutor: Sound as a dramaturgical element
21-22-23 October
Teatro di Mondaino, per Anticorpi con Enrico Pitozzi

14 September: Sonic Mediation, International seminar and listening session
Guests of the day are Budhaditya Chattopadhyay, Leandro Pisano, Giulia Vismara, Gaia Martino and Nicola Di Croce

5-7 September 2nd International Conference on Immersive and 3D Audio, University of Bologna
curating session 8 Special Session: “Music, Sound and Space” with Cobi Van Tonder

Production residency, Dust Variations II e III
IMAL, Brussels

22 July - 10 September, The Wall of quotes con SSH! Sound Studies Hub, IUAV, University of Venice
Per Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa 
Listening Post 
Dalle pratiche di ascolto alla Sound Art


10-11 November, 2 days event, SSH! Sound Studies Hub, IUAV, University of Venice

02 - 07 November, Wondering for resonance, Sound/Image Research Group, University of Greenwich London

16 - 29 August, Residency Akademie der Künste, Berlin

02 June, Dust variations I diffusion, AKOUSMATA 2022 Festival and Summer Academy, IONIAN Academy, Corfù

27 May, Presentation of the Study Center SSH!, Sound Studies Hub, IUAV, University of Venice

24 May, Lecture, Paesaggi Sonori, IUAV, University of Venice

20-21 May, Workshop Spatial Entites, Music and New Technology Course, Conservatory of Florence

11 May, Concert, diffusion of Easily Broken a composition for IKO, Constructs, St Alfege Church, Greenwich, London

01 April, Live electronics, Listen! Festival, Les Brigittines, Brussels


10-14 November, German Radioplay days, Klangdome Konzert, ZKM, Karlsruhe, cancelled

25-25 Oct/05-06 Nov, Workshop, IUAV, University of Venice, Corso di Laurea Magistrale, Teatro e Arti performative  

1 October, Clangoris Lucis, Epidaurus & Athens Festival, Athens

18 September, Oscuramento 3, with Italo Zuffi and Daniele Poccia, MAXXI, L'Aquila

07-10 July, Paper presentation, EMS Conference, Music, Technology and Innovation – Institute for Sonic Creativity, De Montfort University, online

23-24 May, Soundwalk Anderlecht, Confluences (Vismara+Windisch), WalterWerkPlatts, Anderlecht, Brussels


13 December 2020, Dust Variations, premiere, 3D ambisonics, 5th order, InSonic Festival 2020, ZKM, online
18 August - 5 September 2020, Residency at ZKM, Karlsruhe

19 June 2020, Guest artist, Virtual Workshop, The Psychology of Live Music Performance, Durham University, Humboldt University, online

15 June 2020, Invited speaker, Suono, Ascolto, Ricerca, on line seminar, IUAV, Venezia 

Feb 2020/Oct 2021, Confluences Project, with Franziska Windisch, at Werkplaats Walter, Anderlecht

27 March 2020, Live electronics, Listen! Festival, Les Brigittines, Bruxelles CANCELLED
Dec/Jan 2020, Residency, Tempo Reale, Firenze


December 2019, Research residency, OVERTOON, Brussels

08-09 November 2019, Tutor workshop Spatial entities, Queens Mary University, London

26 -31 August, 2019, Residency with IKO at IEM, Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustic, Graz

24-26 June 2019, Residency with Wave Field Synthesis System, Game of life, The Hague

09 June 2019, Workshop, Blowing up trajectories, Second Sunday, QO2, Brussels

14 April - 20 January 2019, Impulsi transitori, Triennale Milano, Museum Stories, Milano 


19 December 2018, Commission for the opening of Azimath Map Pointer, Matera Città della cultura, Matera

05 December 2018, Performance Endless Ending Process, Teatro Florida, Firenze

25 November/3 December, Residency with Endless Ending Process, Lavanderia a vapore, Torino

July 2018/October 2018, Visiting researcher, Technische Universitat, Berlin

27 April 2018, Live electronics, Paraphernalia, Beast Fest 2018, Birmingham

February 2018, Residency, Endless Ending Process, Claps, Brescia

13 September 2018, Concert Transitional spaces, MUMUTH, Ligeti Hall, IEM, Graz


07-10 December 2017, Paper presentation, InsOnic 2017, Immersive future, ZKM, Karlsruhe

25 November 2017, Endless Ending Process, Teatro di Anghiari, Arezzo

23 November 2017, Talk with Caroline Claus, Sonic Infractions, Helicotrema Festival, Venice

18 November 2017, Sound Installation, UNSPACES, Palazzo Dolcini, Mercato Saraceno, Cesena

17 November 2017, Live electronics, Eavesdrop Festival, Ausland, Berlin

16-17 November 2017, Paper presentation, Conference, FRID, Iuav, University of Venice

24-30 October 2017, Residency, Endless Ending Process, SPAM, Lucca

20 October 2017, Live electronics, Magazzini del sale, Venice, (OTTOBRE, LOTTA PER IL TEATRO), IUAV, Venice

08 October 2017, Live Performance, Kitchen, Bonsai Festival, Ferrara

26-30 September 2017, Residency, Endless Ending Process, Anghiari dance Hub, with Dehors Audela and Enrico Pitozzi, Anghiari

07 September 2017, Planimetrie, ELECTROCAMP V, Forte Marghera

27 June 2017, Planimetrie, Fuori Formato Festival, Genova
17 May 2017, Planimetrie, Fabbrica Europa Festival, Firenze

14-16 May 2017, Residency Le Murate, Firenze

05 May 2017, Crocevia, Ibrida Festival, Forlì

May 2017, Teaching, cycle of 4 lessons: materiality of sound, sound memories, augmenting space, sound illusion, IUAV, Venice

18-26 April 2017, Residency Armunia, Castiglioncello, Livorno

01-23 April 2017, CROCEVIA, Wunderkammer Dislocata, Vignola
26 January 2017, Planimetrie, (IN)generazione Festival, San Gimignano

22 December 2016, Live, Paraphernalia, Matera Intermedia Festival, Matera
15 October /06 November 2016, ACA Residency with Natasha Barrett, New Smyrna Beach, Florida

30 September 2016, Live electronics notte dei ricercatori, IUAV, Venezia

23 September 2016, live, QO2, Brussels
08-22 September 2016 Residency, QO2, Brussels
07 September 2016, Live electronics, Paraphernalia, ELECTRO CAMP IV, Forte Marghera
08 August - 6 September 2016 Residency, La Chambre Blanche, Quebec City

Archive 2015 - 2010

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